The little tree leans because of some trauma in its very young life.
Like we humans, you are sensitive to outside pressure.
How was it?
What pushed you over?
What strength did you call for in your vulnerable young self to stay alive?
Is your strange angle away from the sun a disability?
I look deeper and wider.
How was it?
What pushed you over?
What strength did you call for in your vulnerable young self to stay alive?
Is your strange angle away from the sun a disability?
I look deeper and wider.
You are fully alive!
Your leaves are as green and full as the others!
Your fruit as whole and sweet!
Your leaves are as green and full as the others!
Your fruit as whole and sweet!
What do I learn from you?
What do you teach me?
What do you teach me?
Already, I feel the profound lessons of my own distortions.
How adversity has been my strength and determination has been my teacher.
--Betty Esthelle