A recent documentary film was reviewed on Oprah Winfrey Show. The incredible beauty and conscious awareness that produced this epic at this time is both elegant and providential. The main point that was presented is that our species, Humanity, has in its DNA the strong desire to cooperate with one another for the protection and benefit of ALL.
In opposition, we have a strong desire to compete with one another: “May the best man win!” In my thinking, this is an experiment of survival for our species.
Which is more necessary to survive the crisis we now face with our home, the Planet Earth? How many of us even feel or really know that Earth in her climatic changes may be on a healing path? Do we have a better chance of survival if the people with millions of dollars win everything and the millions of people with no money are left to suffer and die? Is a competition for money the path of continued evolution for our species?

Flock of Birds flying at Talampaya National Park, La Rioja, Cuyo Copyright © 2010 Javier Etcheverry. Used with his kind permission. Available for purchase at http://irudi.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Browse-All-Argentina/G00001l1pqlPvEQI/I0000.HqBg93n6X4
Perhaps in our human evolution the breaking away from “small family groups,” the ending dependency on the larger “community or tribal group” and eventually becoming what is presently a “ME Society,” is a teaching for us. Gestalt therapy presents a theory that it may be necessary to separate from one's original group to experience one’s own possibilities and limitations. The gift of individuation, it is suggested, is to return to the group with your new experience and enrich the community.This is practiced by many indigenous cultures. The Aborigines of Australia practice "Walkabouts.'" The Pennsylvania Dutch offer their young people a time in the outside world to explore how that is for them. In some Native American groups, it is a part of a wedding ceremony that the new couple go alone into the outside world to test their skills for “a moon.’
I suggest that we look at the present as an opportunity to awaken in ourselves the awareness that we are indeed in a crisis and we have a chance to grow closer, to end isolation and to embrace one another as members of one species with rich diversity. There is much more to gain with this survival theme than competition.
Time for the masculine to find the feminine within. Time for the feminine to soften and become more receptive, And time for all of us to focus on the nourishment of our deep Essential Self and realize who we are.
The Video below is based on the "Manifesto for Conscious Men," a collectively-written document from a number of men who feel deep appreciation for the gifts of the feminine as a balance to those of the masculine. This document acknowledges many thousands of years of dominance of masculine power, and offers an apology for the suppression of women, in the spirit of a fresh start. The authors do not advocate the domination of men by women or feminine energy, but feel that a balance and equal respect for both energies will allow for a new wave of evolution on our planet.
I was very moved by this wonderful video of men thanking the feminine. The only missing link is for men to find the feminine with in themselves!! I am filled with joy in my work as I encourage the client who is breathing on my table, with one of my hands gently on the Sun in the DanTien & my other hand on the Moon in their Sacred Sacrum at the base of their spine: To inhale the powerful feminine energy of the Moon, which lifts the base of the spine from the table and with the exhale, to press gently on their Dan Tien (the large intestine area) down against the table combines their own male & female energy in their body and stimulates the awareness that we all have both male and female energy and that each of us re-creates ourselves constantly. This movement not only allows the strong bones of the back to support the vulnerable lower belly, but awakens individual creativity in most everyone, in a gentle awareness of self realization. And the results always fill me with profound gratitude.
Betty Esthelle
Earth Day