So when we really listen, we nourish ourselves. That's the power of the oral tradition, to nourish us.
One of the blessings of becoming older is the way that the negativity around us is softened. It's a feeling of serenity and peace and the awareness that THIS is the real world, not the world of suffering, pain and negativity. The real world is the process and aliveness of nature, and we gain the awareness that we're in the process of Nature, of Life.

I use the Crone Card from the Mother Peace deck to illustrate this feeling. The Crone card is a directional card which symbolizes turning within. It illustrates how we learn to listen with age.
The Crone has traveled over the mountain. Under her elbow (funny bone) is the oroborous, the symbol of enlightenment, the serpent making a circle, its tail in its mouth, and her hand is cupped to her right ear as she actively looks and listens. The Crone has an angel above her with the 8 pointed star, the symbol of my work, which refers to the oneness of all life. The seven directions: north, south, east, west, above, below and within plus the compendium that all is one. Together that makes 8.
Becoming older means we gain an awareness, an enlightenment, that there is a greater power than ourselves, and that gives us more space to be positive about humanity. We can give God space to operate when we feel that we don't have to be in charge.
I shared this with a friend who recently turned 60: "You have completed only half of your possible 120 years. Rev. David conducted a class recently on Angels. Did you know that there are people here on Earth that are blessed and appointed to intercede for us directly with the Angels? And you are one for me. I now know that the Angels desire everyone to know they are connected that they can talk directly to the Angels and ask for blessings."
Another of my wise teachers, Oscar Ichazo, who founded Arica Institute, shared his awareness: Love is the recognition of oneself in another.
I Love you,