As an RN, I've witnessed many deaths. In the practice of Body Enlightenment, I've supported and accompanied many people in their transitions. As a Jew, our tradition is "No one dies alone." As a sensitive being, when you sit with a person who is experiencing a transformation, the space is open for you too, to experience your own personal transformation. Accompanying and being present when people are birthing and dying, coming and going, arriving and leaving, always provides incredible blessings.

Pictured at left is The Star card from the major arcana of the Ryder tarot deck. It is the inspiration for my 8 pointed star logo of Body Enlightenment. In the Star card, the balance and connection between water and land, flowing emotions, earth and human embodiment is portrayed.
The 8 pointed star represents the totality of each of the 7 chakras plus a compendium: the synergy of all of them working together, a representation of the life energy that flows through the human body.
We come from land and we go to land. The phrase is ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we are the Earth. Transitions happen when one is connected to the Earth, whether we are aware of our connection or not. We are all connected to the earth--that's a fact, part of the pattern, the divine design of life on Earth. In the Star card, the woman pours her emotions equally to Mother Earth and to the Universal Sea.
When we are connected to the earth, we become present to the processes inside of us and around us, including transformation and transitions.
The 8 pointed star represents embodied transformation.
---Love, Betty